Accessibility Accommodations

The Kennett Flash is committed to providing an enjoyable experience for all patrons at all performances. We make it a priority to accommodate the needs of our guests.


Wheelchair Accessibility

Although the Kennett Flash is located on the second floor of our building, there are accessible entrances for those who utilize wheelchairs or have mobility challenges with stairs. Please contact the Executive Director, Michael Hahn, by phone at 484-732-8295 or email at [email protected] for more information.


Personal Care Attendant

For any patron with a disability who purchases a ticket for a concert and who will attend the concert with the patron’s government-funded personal care attendant, the personal care attendant will receive a complimentary ticket to the concert. Any request for a complimentary ticket for a personal care attendant must be made at the time of purchase of the patron’s ticket and should be made through the Executive Director, Michael Hahn, by phone at 484-732-8295 or email at [email protected] for more information.

The Kennett Flash is a nonprofit performing arts organization. The Kennett Flash operates an all-ages, stage-centered, café-style listening room showcasing professional national, regional, and local music, comedy, children’s programs and more.

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