Chrissy Strong and Josee McGee (with special guest Stephen Lyons)

The Kennett Flash is proud to present CHRISSY STRONG and JOSEE MCGEE with special guest STEPHEN LYONSSaturday, June 22, 20247pm show | 6pm doors$15 tickets | $10 members | $5 BYOBall ages Chrissy Strong is an emerging, singer/songwriter from Akron, Ohio. A self-taught musician, her songwriting is rooted in soulful, edgy piano ballads with the raw and free-flowing approach of muses like Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, Agnes Obel, and Fiona Apple. In 2020 Strong released her debut single, Send Angels, that offers a tender and haunting reflection on encounters with love and longing, fear and desperation—and the many forms they take.  Strong has developed a fan following moved by her spirited live performances and brave and honest storytelling. Josee McGee is a self taught guitar player, singer and songwriter from Canton, OH. She’s been performing consistently across our North East Ohio region for the last 7 years. With eclectic influences of 2000’s pop and r&b, old standards, country and even emo music- her songwriting reflects them all, especially on her latest album “Weeper.” She prioritizes harmony in her songwriting which is often showcased in performances with her talented sister, Nikole McGee Stephen Lyons is an Actor/Musician he has performed extensively in the New York music scene as a solo artist and with his band Bonfire Falls playing Off-Broadway and such venues such as The Bitter End, Rockwood Music Hall, The Mercury Lounge.  He was a semi-finalist for the Taylor-Made at Uptown Knauer Performing Arts Singer/Songwriter Contest. You can see him as Gen Geo Washington for the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C’s film ’Spying Launched a Nation’. He advocates for the honoring and commemoration of Shiloh AME Church & Cemetery a Historic Black Community in Westtown Township. He is a Native of West Chester, PA.———————————————- An online processing fee of $3.50 per ticket will appear on your order at check out. This is NOT your BYOB fee. This online processing fee is waived when you purchase tickets over the phone or in-person. Email [email protected] to schedule a phone call or a time to buy tickets in-person. BYOB fees are $5 per person who is drinking. Even if you are sharing a 6-pack. Paid at the door only, cash or charge. Please see the FAQs on our website for more details. Opener (Level 2) and Headliner (Level 3) Members: Thank you for your support! Select your tickets using the price code that matches your Membership level and enter your Member ID into the prompt during the checkout process. As promised, you do not pay extra when ordering online. Online ticket prices are adjusted to account for the event fees that are automatically applied by Etix. Please call the Box Office with any questions at 484-732-8295. Interested in becoming a member at The Kennett Flash? Call 484-732-8295 or email [email protected] for more information.


The Kennett Flash is proud to present An Evening with RICHARD SHINDELL! Friday, September 27, 20248pm show | 7pm doors$35 advance | $40 day-of-show$5 BYOB at the door all ages show! Richard Shindell lives as both an immigrant and emigrant, crossing thresholds, that informs his illumination of the human experience through narrative song. Shindell has inhabited a Zen Buddhist monastery and busked in the streets of Paris. Originally from New York, now living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Shindell is a writer whose songs paint pictures, tell stories, juxtapose ideas and images, inhabit characters, vividly evoking entire worlds along the way and expanding our sense of just what it is a song may be. Meticulously recorded over three years in New York and Buenos Aires, his most recent release, Careless, offered an ambitious, luxurious, full- length statement. Shindell immersed himself in the studio, allowing the time and latitude to explore, experiment, take risks—to play—as each of these eleven songs was given form and substance. While his signature acoustic guitar style is used to good effect, Careless also found Shindell plugging in more. “The wider sonic and dynamic range of the electric has been a real inspiration. Rejuvenating.” ———————————————- An online processing fee of $5.00 per ticket will appear on your order at check out. This is NOT your BYOB fee. This online processing fee is waived when you purchase tickets over the phone or in-person. Email [email protected] to schedule a phone call or a time to buy tickets in-person. BYOB fees are $5 per person who is drinking. Even if you are sharing a 6-pack. Paid at the door only, cash or charge. Please see the FAQs on our website for more details. Opener (Level 2) and Headliner (Level 3) Members: Thank you for your support! Select your tickets using the price code that matches your Membership level and enter your Member ID into the prompt during the checkout process. As promised, you do not pay extra when ordering online. Online ticket prices are adjusted to account for the event fees that are automatically applied by Etix. Please call the Box Office with any questions at 484-732-8295. Interested in becoming a member at The Kennett Flash? Call 484-732-8295 or email [email protected] for more information.