The Kennett Flash is thrilled to welcome ORRIN EVANS TRIO to the headliner spot of the 2025 Kennett Jazz Festival!
Friday, April 25, 2025 @ Kennett Flash – KICKOFF PARTY 7:30pm-11pm — $30 (limited tix)
Saturday, April 26, 2025 @ 600 S. Broad St. – JAZZFEST 11:00am-10:00pm — $60
For more than two decades, Yamaha pianist Orrin Evans has made an art form of the unexpected. With more than 25 albums to his credit without ever relying on the support of a major label, Evans has become the model of a fiercely independent artist who’s made a habit of rattling the jazz world’s confining cages. That determination has paid off in accolades like topping the “Rising Star Pianist” category in the 2018 DownBeat Critics Poll and two Grammy nominations.
As a daring pianist, Evans combines raw-edged vigor and left-field nuance into a sound wholly his own. As an adventurous composer he traverses stylistic boundaries with abandon, drawing on full-throttle swing, deep rooted blues, expressive soul or bracing excursions into the avant-garde. As an audacious bandleader, he delights in daring fellow musicians to take bold risks, whether in mutable small group settings or his raucous Captain Black Big Band. As an inventive collaborator, his projects range from the nerve-rattling collective trio Tarbaby, to the guitar/piano duo project Eubanks-Evans-Experience, and Brazilian project Terreno Comum.
Shimpy’s BBQ food truck will be joining us from 11am-3pm
The Rainbow Records bus will be at the festival all day – stocked full of Jazz, Funk and other jazz-adjacent records for your purchasing pleasure! You have to check it out!
Thank you to our 2025 sponsors!!!

Sponsorship Opportunities
2025 Kennett Jazz Festival – Sponsorship Opportunities
The Kennett Flash mission is to be a leader in southern Chester County in providing culturally diverse, quality performing arts programming and education that is accessible for all people.
Can you help us make a difference?
The 2025 Kennett Jazz Festival welcomes over 12 incredible acts from near and far and up to 300 audience members across two days to provide the community with an affordable, high-quality Jazz Festival experience. The Festival will take place across two days, Friday, April 25, 2025 – Saturday, April 26, 2025.
The Kennett Flash seeks sponsors to underwrite the cost of producing the event. As a non-profit organization dedicated to accessible event pricing, The Flash relies on the generosity of fellow businesses in Kennett Square. Partnering with local businesses and other sponsors allows The Flash to pay their staff and performers a fair wage for the incredible art they present. Presenting sponsors also make it possible for The Flash to increase our marketing reach and provide hospitality for our participating artists.
We appreciate your consideration. We look forward to partnering with you to make the third annual Kennett Jazz Festival a huge success!
Michael Hahn
Executive Director, Kennett Flash
Producing Sponsor: $5,000
A Producing Sponsor for the 2025 Kennett Jazz Festival sponsors a headliner event on Friday or Saturday at the Festival. For companies that want to make a big impact on the arts in Kennett Square and receive increased visibility as a supportive pillar for the arts and the live music community.
Onsite Signage/Recognition:
- Premiere listing as a Producing Sponsor on headliner event signage throughout all locations
Print & Web:
- Top billing “producer” for one headliner performance
- Logo recognition on event-day signage/banner
- Sponsor recognition and link on website (sponsorship page and Jazz Festival landing page)
Social Media:
- Three dedicated social media posts featuring sponsor.
- Sponsor name recognized/tagged on media outlets as part of event promotion.
- 4 free weekend passes for our 2025 Kennett Jazz Festival
Presenting Sponsor: $1,000
A Presenting Sponsor for the 2025 Kennett Jazz Festival sponsors one of our offsite venue locations and all performances at that location. For companies looking to support
Onsite Signage/Recognition:
- Premiere listing as a Presenting Sponsor on signage at one offsite venue
- Listing as a Presenting Sponsor on sponsorship signage throughout the event
Print & Web:
- Top billing “presents” for all performances at one offsite location
- Logo recognition on event-day signage/banner
- Sponsor recognition and link on website (sponsorship page and Jazz Festival landing page)
Social Media:
- Two dedicated social media posts featuring sponsor.
- Sponsor name recognized/tagged on media outlets as part of event promotion.
- 2 free weekend passes for our 2025 Kennett Jazz Festival
Venue Sponsor: $500 (LOCAL BUSINESSES)
A Venue Sponsor for the 2025 Kennett Jazz Festival will have their venue and events listed on all relevant areas of The Kennett Flash website as an official part of the 2025 Kennett Jazz Festival. Venue Sponsors may decide to book their own Jazz artists for events at their location. Events will be added to the list of official 2025 Kennett Jazz Festival events!
Onsite Signage/Recognition:
- Listing as an offsite venue on signage throughout events
- Location, Performers and Show Times listed on signage throughout the events
Print & Web:
- One dedicated social media post featuring venue location, inclusion in multiple other posts
- Recognition and link as an offsite venue on website (Kennett Jazz Festival landing page)
- Location, Performers and Show Times listed on website (Kennett Jazz Festival landing page)
Artist Sponsor: $500
Onsite Signage/Recognition:
- Listing as an Artist Sponsor on signage throughout events
Print & Web:
- One dedicated social media post featuring sponsor.
- Sponsor recognition and link on website (Kennett Jazz Festival landing page)
- 1 free weekend pass for our 2025 Kennett Jazz Festival
Community Sponsor: $250
Onsite Signage/Recognition:
- Listing as a Community Sponsor on signage throughout events
- Sponsor recognition and link on website (Kennett Jazz Festival landing page)
Interested in donating goods or services to support the Kennett Jazz Festival?
Reach out to Michael Hahn to learn more about how to make an in-kind donation.
[email protected]